Technical Aspects of Web Design Trends for 2019 AI

The Internet has undergone tremendous changes in the last 10 years or so, and new technologies like AR, VR, AI, AMP and many more have been introduced. These technologies are exciting for sure. But their application is seen mostly in website design and development. In the last few years that have gone by, web design trends have changed a lot. Grids and traditional stock photos have been replaced by vibrant color schemes and illustrations and asymmetrical layouts. Also, there has been a considerable number of technological advancements in the field, which have led to the creation of smarter websites by incorporating into them things like machine learning and artificial intelligence. So, in 2019, the aesthetics, as well as the technical aspects of websites will be changed forever.

Top Web Design Trends of 2019

There’s no doubt that both technologies as well as the aesthetics of the website play important roles in attracting visitors who could be potential customers. In that view, here are few of the most dominating web design trends of 2019 that a webdesign company India should be implementing.

·         Using Serifs

Serifs may be for print and san serifs for screens. But what if serifs could be used for screens too? Sans, because of its cleanliness and readability is the go-to font for web content. However, today, we have seen companies leaning more towards adopting bold serifs for various aspects of their designs, including headers and callouts. Serifs may be a thing of the past, but they are still used even today because of their character and adaptability.

·         Adding Black and White Palettes

Color is the most important aspect of web design. This is due to the sole reason that it gives a visual appeal to the website. Besides this, it also has the power to create moods as well as unify brands. In 2019, however, we are seeing a shift towards the black and white design. This design has been impressive overall. And while color may be the way we see and perceive different things in the world; the black and white design gives a whole different look altogether. With color missing, we begin concentrating on other aspects of the website like textures for example. Or even shape. Between the colors black and white, white is a clean and reserved color, while black is a bold and assertive color. And by combining them, you get a striking look. So, when a website design company Bangalore combines these two colors, adding little or no amounts of other colors, it can give the website a bigger effect. When another color is added to the combination, not only does it break the effect, but will make the design uninteresting.

·         Incorporating Natural and Organic Shapes

Most website designs are typically based on systematic grid lines. However, come 2019, and you see more designers making the switch to smooth lines and natural shapes. Although most geometric shapes like rectangles, triangles, and squares, which tend to have sharp edges do account for stability, trends of 2019, however, are more concerned with other aspects of a website such as accessibility and comfort. Organic shapes have a naturally imperfect and asymmetrical structure to them. And because they do, they can account for more visibility of the page elements. One of the major goals of web designing in 2019 is to make it look and feel as natural as possible. That is, to make the illustrations and illusions come alive, so that they feel more human.

·         The Glitch Art

In a time when computer technology has evolved to such an extent that it seems to be invading our privacy, glitches serve to act as a boon. And although we fear the worse. That is, machines taking over humans, we still know we can’t do without them. So, glitches not only help in thwarting this control to some extent, but also help make web designs better and more appealing. In a way, glitches act to amplify the feeling of disorientation. These are regarded as one of those retro trends that are making a comeback. And because of all this, a website design company India should know and implement the glitch art well, in order to obtain an appealing website design.

Today, the Internet or the world wide web connects millions of people across the world. These people are from varied cultures, have different abilities, are aged differently, speak different languages, and have unique gender identities too. And all this has been made possible only because of the past. So, in leaping forward in 2019, web designers should look to go bigger with things like inclusiveness, improved accessibility standards, and socially conscious and diverse imagery. And although the world has still got a very long way to go as far as the area of web designing is concerned, web designers can still demonstrate that the web or the world wide web is all about connecting people with each other. And only when a web design service in Bangalore realizes this can its designers create alluring web designs of the future.